Mineral County sheriff looks to a year of change and success


MINERAL COUNTY — Over the past year, Mineral County has watched as the newly elected sheriff and his department took the first year to develop policies, review regulations and procedures throughout the department, reassess patrols and work with the community to increase safety throughout the county.

Now, with his first year behind him, Mineral County Sheriff Terry Wetherill and his team are looking toward a year of change, education, and further success. The first thing the department will do this year is say goodbye to Mineral County Undersheriff Chris Snell. Snell was sworn into office alongside Wetherill but has decided it is time for him to spend more time with family.

“We are actively seeking to hire a new undersheriff and are looking for someone with experience. I hope to find a seasoned law enforcement individual that wants leadership opportunities and to serve with community policing. It’s important to seek those things for a community like Creede,” said Wetherill. 

In addition to hiring an undersheriff, the department is also looking to hire a Victims Advocate.

“This position is very important for our department and would be a department head position. We are looking for someone who can lead the victims advocate team here in Mineral County,” Wetherill said.

The department recently welcomed Deputy Cody McCutcheon, who came to Mineral County straight out of the academy and is looking forward to serving the community he calls home. 

With these changes underway, 2024 is also shaping up to be a year of reaching goals.

“We are working really well with the Creede School (District) on enhancing their safety procedures and plans,” Wetherill said. “We are working with new safety officer Brian Eubank to develop plans that will work for the district to make things much more secure should anything ever happen.”

Wetherill has been working with Mineral County Emergency Manager Clint Leggitt to increase security at the Mineral County Courthouse by looking into safety plans and practices to further secure the courtroom.

“We are looking at safety plans, working drills and are making progress on modifications to ensure safety,” Wetherill said.

As a reminder to the community, Wetherill ask people to be vigilant in their community and neighborhoods.

“We did have some minor theft issues last year and even this year, but all were resolved because we have a great community that speaks up. If you see something, say something,” he said.

“There are also some scams going on out there and they are online and through text. If you are ever wondering if something is too good to be true, it probably is. We are here to help, so if you have questions about the legitimacy of something you’re considering, come on in. Talk to us. We would love to help you determine if what you are getting into is legal and won’t leave you in a bad situation.”

Wetherill also spoke about the importance of being prepared when heading out into the backcountry no matter the time of year.

“We had two fatalities last year that we assisted with and unfortunately it was a lack of situational awareness. Be educated. Ask questions and please let people know where you are going and when you plan to return. Look out for yourself and your people,” Wetherill said.