2021 National Small Print Show winners announced


CREEDE — The public is invited to join the Creede Arts Council for its first online exhibition of the National Small Print Show. CAC is celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the National Small Print Show, and honoring its founder, Larry Basky.

The NSPS is a juried art show of hand-pulled prints created by artists from across the country and Canada. This year, Stephen Quiller from Creede, judged the prints.

The winners are: first place “Landlords” by Sharon Wolpoff (Chevy Chase, Md.), second place “Winter Green” by Ginnie Madsen (Laramie, Wyo.), and third place “Flowers and Lace” by Alisa Randle (Centerville, Utah). Three honorable mentioned prints were also chosen to receive awards.

Local businesses and arts patrons who helped to sponsor this special event will also give special recognition award to their favorite print.

The prints will be on display and available for purchase via CAC’s 32Auction website. The show will be live for patrons to make purchases June 15 through July 16.